I once had a dream....
I stood before the captain... I was shivering, if I was cold or afraid I do not know... I was wearing a white vest with lacing, the soft fabric was not much of a cover but it caressed my body when I moved.
He was wearing a white cotton shirt, with wide sleeves and a low cut at the neck, I could see the hair on his chest and under the hair his muscles were playing, his black pants revealed strong, muscular legs and his boots made a clicking sound on the floor as he walked towards me.
He looked at me, trying to decide how much he would get for me when he sold me. His gaze caressed me, I knew he wanted me... I tried to hide between my crossed arms... I tried to make myself as small as possible... I wanted him to ignore me and let me be.
He slowly started to walk around me... watching me... inspecting me, I hated him... he made me feel vulnerable and fragile. He touched my right arm, his fingers were warm and surprisingly soft, but I refused to let that affect me. His touch sent a shiver of dismay though me and I backed
away from him. All he did was start smiling, a smug smile like he knew he could do what ever he wanted with me.
I had crossed my hands before me to protect myself from his gaze, I didn't want him to look at me... He touched my hair and I tried to pull away from him, he got a firm grip on my hair and I couldn't help but allow him to pull my head backwards... tears were beginning to show in my eyes... then he laughed at me and let me go.
I knew he could hurt me if he wanted to... but the pain didn't scare me... I wondered how I could get away from him, get away from all of this and while I was wondering he had moved my hair aside and bared my neck. His lips had almost reached my neck when I discovered this, I started to move forward, away from him, but one of his arms had already caught me and held me pressed against him, my arms were locked in front of me between myself and his strong arm.
I tossed my head, making it impossible for his lips to reach my soft skin so his other hand reclaimed its grip on my hair, forcing my head to be still... A whimper of defeat came through my lips as his warm and gentle lips touched my neck and I started to shiver, but in no way did I want
him to touch me again, but I held still...
His tongue touched my ear and the grip on my hair didn't have to be so firm anymore... I wanted him... but I would never stop fighting him... when the wet trail from his lips was touched by his breath I felt a tingle inside and knew that he had lit a spark in me...
When his lips started to move down my arm and the vest didn't cover my shoulder I came to life again and started to struggle to get loose. A low laugh deep in his throat was all I heard when he let go of me. I trembled with fear, I didn't want him to touch me again... I might not be able to resist him.
While he completed his inspection I sent him fierce glances. I was afraid he would notice them and punish me for them yet I wanted him to know that I hated him. I fear him and I know that I will fight him no matter what...
He wore a smug smile when he looked at me, standing before me, threatening me by just being who he was. He raised a hand towards me, I tried to back away from it, shivering, trembling trying to convince myself he wouldn't hit me. When his hand came down not on me but on the hem of my vest, placing itself between my breasts, sending small ripples of delight through me, I let out a small and soundless sigh of relief.
Then with a quick motion he tore the vest apart... I felt the chock and pain showing in my face and I tried to hide both my reaction and my body from him. Then he started to move closer, I backed away but I had to stop when my back was pressed against the wall. He continued to close in on me, my hands tried to cover my breast, tried to hide behind a torn vest, if I should hide my breast I had to let him see my shoulders.... and I knew he enjoyed what he saw... I could see it in his eyes, in his
smile and the way he kept coming closer and closer.
I could feel his warm breath on my shoulder, his hands were against the wall on each side of me, one of his legs tried to press itself between mine, and his head was coming down towards me. For a second our eyes met and I tore free of him.
Standing again in the middle of the room... With his eyes upon me... He was leaning against the wall... his arms resting by his sides, he was beautiful, he took my breath away. Then he started to move towards me again, his hand reached out for me, I tried to avoid it, I let go of the vest and the slight protection my now bare breast had and I tried to hit his hand away, but then he just grabbed my arm.
With one hand trying to shelter my breast from his gaze, the other in a firm grip form his hand, his other hand started to reach for me again... Wise from his earlier mistake he wasn't aiming at my breast this time... With both hands in his he had no problem forcing my hands on my back. He
had no difficulties holding both my arms in his hand leaving me defenceless against his other hand...
I stood still beside him... I hated him and I wanted to struggle but I didn't know how. I tried to breath but all I got was short gasps of breath, and even to my own ears it sounded as the gasps came from pleasure not pain. All I could think about was his hand... A soft warm hand that kept getting closer and closer to my bare breast... My body had betrayed me a long time ago, my breasts longed for his touch...
A thousand sparks of desire and delight ran through my body and over my skin as he touched me. He didn't caress me just put his warm finger against my breast, an inch below my right nipple. My back wanted to arch towards him, but I didn't let it. I refused.... but I couldn't breath either...
His finger started to move against my skin... gently it drew a circle around my nipple, his strong arms refused to let me move so that he would caress it. Then he stopped and looked at me. My eyes were half closed, my lips slightly separated and my face expressed raw pleasure. When he started to laugh I came to my senses and tried to get loose.
Then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, in the same grip he held both my hands and my hair, revealing to me that he could do what ever he wanted. I knew, when his head started to move down towards me, that I if he tried to kiss me could resist him, but when his breath caressed my neck it struck me, I had no defence if he was to kiss my breast.
His tongue choose to caress my collarbone and a soft moan of pleasure came through my lips... I cursed him and what he did to me... I tried to fight him with my arms but he was so strong... He started to move downwards again, his breath caressed me, I tensed and forced myself not to arch towards him. Then his tongue reached my nipple and I couldn't help but press against his mouth letting out a hiss of pleasure.
He seemed to enjoy my breast just as much as I enjoyed his tongue, his grip on me was a gentle and caring grip, but I could not let him win this so I tore my arms free, his reaction to this was to tighten his grip on me, so his arms held me close and I lost all connection to the floor, his lips tightened around my nipple and his teeth came to caress it too. I moaned with both pleasure and pain.
I had my arms free though and this was an advantage I wanted to use. So I started to hit him on his shoulders, trying to bend his arms so that he would let me go, but all my attempts were futile and his lips still caressed my breast. He obviously grew tired of my hitting him for he caught one of my arms and forced it behind my back again. With my still free hand I had started to tug at his hair, without effect I might add.
He lowered my body clearly showing me by pressing himself towards me, that he wanted me. When our heads were at the same height his lips moved towards mine.. He wasn't smiling, and he wanted to give...
I closed my eyes ready to give in to him, and as his lips touched mine the hand in his hair stopped tugging and started to caress. I tried to press myself towards him but then suddenly he let go of me. He left me there wanting him...
I stand in the middle on the room, I stand tall. I want him... My eyes are closed, my lips are separated, and I need him. My chest heaves with every breath I take and I need him. I can feel him wanting me… I feel how he is getting closer to me.... He hasn't kissed me properly either...
Suddenly I feel cold steel against my belly. A knife is caressing my skin, it tries to cut the fabric protecting my lower parts, tries to bare me... and succeeds.
I stand naked before him... I know that he is all I need and he needs me... He moves towards me... I can feel the heat from him... he has taken of his clothes.... One of his hands place itself around my waist, slowly dragging me towards him.... I yield to his power without struggle this time... My hands lie themselves around his shoulders, they have dreamt about this moment and his bare skin feels even better to my touch than I thought it would.
I can feel his lips desire to touch mine so I turn my face towards him, in my face he can read the desire I feel for him... the pleasure his mere touch grant me and the delight I feel in his presence. We breathe in the same rhythm, and when his lips touch mine, my arms fold themselves around
his neck and I press myself towards him.
Gently he stroke his lips against mine, slowly his tongue begins to play with mine and all I can think about is when I will fully rest in his arms and be his. Our tongues enjoy this game but we know we don't want to wait any longer...
This first real kiss of ours gets more passionate with every hot breath of air we draw... My hips begins to move against his thigh... I know my legs won't support me much longer. I tremble of lust, I need him... His hands caress me and tease me, they make me love what he is doing to me...
Gently he lays me down on the hard and cold floor, yet I cannot think of anything but the heat he creates within me. Our lips still cling to each other but I feel that he want to kiss more of me than just my lips. When his lips leave mine I miss them, I long for them but when their wet trail leads to my nipple I love them.
A tongue may tease a woman in a million ways and he shows me some... I arch towards him and wave upon wave of desire runs through me. His teeth caress me too... Clearly stating that they could hurt me, but won't. When his lips leave my breast I want to hit him and scream at him but
his fingers have found the inside of my thighs, they whisper to him that I want to be kissed...
His hot breath caresses my body, his hands carefully spread my legs, and his lips kiss their way towards my secrets... When the first hot air reach me I can't help but gasp for air and shiver, when his tongue touch me I can't even do that... every muscle in my body is tense... and I need him.
This man grants me a pleasure I never knew existed with his hands he leaves me longing for him and with his tongue he makes me cry... I try to breath... I toss my head back and forth to enhance the feelings he provokes in me, or to bear them... to live through them and not being drowned in the sea of pleasure he guides me through...
Every single motion from him make me want to scream, I arch up towards him, I want him to stop, I beg him to continue and I couldn't live through this second without him... Nothing he says or does matters as long as he continues.... He is so beautiful between my legs... His closed eyes almost tell me he wants this just as much as I do... He is wonderful...
Imagine to lie on a cloud and gaze up at the stars, that freedom... Imagine your self being so concentrated tat you cannot tell where you start and if you end... the whole world is you... Imagine what it would be like to feel the movement of a though, the racing of blood in the smallest veins... imagine to hear the soft whisper of love when a rose bud opens for you... That is what he gives me...
I can feel who I am when the pulsating star within me starts to explode.... and it's all because of him... one of his hands rest around my hip, the other moves along the curve of my behind, slowly and caressing moves towards my cave. As the top of his fingers caress my opening I stop breathing, my eyes are closed and my lips separated and the expression of pleasure that dwells on my face reflects what I feel with a truth no one can deny.
As his fingers within me gently moves once again the star explodes... I cannot think of anything but the feelings I have come to know.... My muscles refuse to relax and I can't lie still... and I love it... I want to feel him close to me... I want to feel him inside of me... I want him...
Whimpering with wantings I tries to drag him up to kiss me and take me. As he moves with a painful slowness my hands, who has caressed him and guided his motions wrap themselves around his shoulders and neck. As he starts to enter me I try to press against him... I want him more and
more for ever second he denies me himself.
When he rest within me my thighs press hard against his hip... then he starts to move..... I know that all I want is to give him the same kind of gift he gave me... We move together towards a common goal... His strong arms on each side of my head tempts me to taste them, I can't resist them... the hair on them tickles me slightly...
When I open my eyes to look at him I notice that his eyes are closed and he seems to enjoy me as much as I enjoy him... he opens his mouth and starts to breath faster.... I want him to... I feel that he is pressing harder... I try to meet him stroke by stroke, I try to please him... his rhythm is gaining... and I can feel how close he is...
When he tense and open his eyes I know he's going to be just as satisfied as I am, he continues to move in me and I love him as he stops and lies down on me... allowing me to rest with him, to feel his pressure on me... to feel him so close to me.... And I still wants him...

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